Sales & Marketing For Business Growth By Design
How many of you have come to a website designer, believing they're going to come up with your marketing plan?
How many of you just pay someone to do the marketing activities?
I'm amazed at how many small businesses expect the website guy to literally come up with their whole online marketing plan.
I've worked with many companies who pay $5,000, $10,000 or even $20,000 or more a month out to an AdWords or social media guy for activities without measuring the performance. No plan and no way of measuring it.
They have been paying for random TACTICAL MARKETING; this is a world apart from the measured, rifle focussed STRATEGIC MARKETING.
We can find you huge business growth and exit profitability by applying the power of strategic marketing and how to set yourself above the crowd. It's essential to use the right experts for the right job in the correct order.
Sales & Marketing Business Consulting Wellington
So again, how do we do this?
Well, first, we identify who where, why what stops your business from growing is blocking it from either being profitable, or functioning correctly, recognize where the shortfalls are, and what needs to be addressed.
One - finances.
Two - strategy
Three - sales and marketing.
Four - your systems,
Five - operations
Six - your people
Seven - your driver or your management team.
So through this process, we can identify where are the most profitable areas, in your business. We will probably also identify opportunities such as business activities that you should be doing that maybe you're not doing. We often uncover major opportunities when we go through this business analysis process.
From this, we can identify your unique service opportunities and your unique value propositions and from this we can create your market-dominating position. This is an undeniable statement; when someone sees or hears your market dominating position your customers should say to themselves, 'I have to talk to this person'. In fact, when we've finished with that process, a prospect listening to your offer, and your market-dominating position, should literally say to themselves, 'I would have to be an idiot not to do business with this person'. That's how powerful we would make your positioning.
Once this is in place we'll measure update and improve strategy based upon results. So you will know exactly what's going on. And we'll be able to show you exactly where the improvements and why they happened. So there will be no confusion about well, maybe it was Joe, Bill or Ben or Mary, it will be you got exactly this many calls from these specific marketing activities and these specific messages work and those don't work. situation, You've converted X, Y, Zed, these are the results.
So we can go through each point and find out what is working what is not, and change it and improve it. We'll fine-tune and keep new efficient strategies up to date. So we'll show you how to keep on top of it so that you don't end up in the same situation again or maintain set up a regular performance review program that will absolutely steer your business in the right direction. So we'll make sure the steering wheel is intact and being used to steer the business the ship in the right direction. And then we'll review, reset and repeat.
And once you have these in place, your business will start to become unstoppable. Almost like the hedgehog principle where the hedgehog, when it meets a problem, it can roll up in a ball and at least protect itself and then always be moving forwards for the better. So again, how do we don't do this?
One - We identify your business destination what your true destination is,
Two - identify define a plan your business strategy, identify and
Three create your market-dominating position, identify your ideal target customer base, or maybe re-address your current customer base in a more productive way with the right digital marketing strategies and offline marketing strategies is
Four install the right operating process.
Five, install the right people and correct HR policies. Again, you know, when you're managing people, your HR policies become very important because if we're very clear about what's expected right at the beginning, they tend to stick with it. It's easier to bring them back to remind them
Six install systems at work.
Seven install the correct financial controls, not only controls that your accountants can use, but ones that you can actually manage and predict the business with;
However, over time, the whiplash injuries now represented less than 5% of their actual business. Although they developed several innovative treatments for other injuries and illnesses. their customers could only see them as the whiplash specialists course; it's a very small percentage of people that actually visit chiropractors. Basically, what it meant was that people would perhaps have an achy shoulder or back or knee and would walk past their office and go into a chiropractor practice further down the road is almost they couldn't see the fact that there are chiropractors for the whiplash specialist label had in their mind, the business is no longer profitable. And no matter what the business owner tried to innovate, the business was steadily declining. So in this case, what we did is we just applied our strategy to it. So we identified what stops a business from growing well in this case, they were they were so well pigeonholed in one area of current practice that people literally couldn't see them anymore. So we identified the business unit. So we identified what the different segments within chiropractic they did. And we looked for how we build a sales model to show sales and direct costs for each unit. This allowed us to see how each unit was actually performing or recognize where the shortfalls were what needed addressing; in this case, we were able to see that they had a couple of unique offerings that weren't very prominent. If you looked at their website, that obviously, whiplash injury featured quite a lot. And they've been pigeonholed as that. But if you looked at everything else they offered, it was like everything chiropractic. So if you had a field full of these chiropractors are holding up a billboard with they pretty much have the same words on the Billboard. And if you had 100 in a field, you wouldn't be able to distinguish one from another. So if you're at an exhibition, and you're exhibiting there, and you meet, you know, 1000s of people come by in a day in a city or every 100 people that you meet that come to your standard interest in your subject, only 1% of them are actually NOW! customers, they're ready to open their wallet and hand you money immediately, around 20% are probably short to medium term buyers, potential prospects, and then another 20% might be longer-term prospects sort of six to 18 months theory, say, and the rest will never buy an off you. There's no way they'll ever buy from you. Okay, so, if you can appeal to the 1%, the NOW! buyers, that at least gets you sales generated straightaway. So one of the specialties he had, which he developed with his wife, this particular chiropractor was she suffered from the terrible pain of fibromyalgia, I mean fibromyalgia, from what I can understand it sounds like when those diagnosis that a doctor gives you and I've kind of given up on you, so they say Fibromyalgia or you don't want to do any more, I'm sorry, you've got pain, but I that's it, so he worked out that with about five or six sessions, he could cure fibromyalgia, or at least get his wife out of pain and she'd been fine ever since. So we came up with a squeeze page and a heading that said something along the lines of
and then we created a squeeze page. And at least it got NOW! buyers into the business. And of course, everyone knew it was a chiropractor, so that brought in other business but we found three or four little niche areas like that which was still to do with being a chiropractor, but it gave an 'Instant Market Dominating Position' in that niche field within their field. With this kind of approach, we completely transformed that business.
Watch our 7 part series on business growth strategies See Video No 4 called
'Business Systems Business Consulting Wellington'
Publishers and advertisers can decide how to present their content and what technology vendors to use, all while maintaining and improving key performance indicators.
Publishers and advertisers can decide how to present their content and what technology vendors to use, all while maintaining and improving key performance indicators.
Publishers and advertisers can decide how to present their content and what technology vendors to use, all while maintaining and improving key performance indicators.
Publishers and advertisers can decide how to present their content and what technology vendors to use, all while maintaining and improving key performance indicators.